Radon-Resistant New Construction is the practice of installing a passive radon mitigation system during the construction of a new home or structure. A passive radon system utilizes the natural pressure differential in your home to move radon through the vent pipe and out of your home. After home construction is complete and the structure is occupied, it is important to conduct a radon test. If the radon test yields results above the 4.0 pCi/L action level, you should activate your pre-piped radon system by installing a contractor grade radon fan. The only difference between an active and passive active soil depressurization system (ASD system) is the presence of a radon fan. To learn more about active and passive radon systems, check out our blog post here.
There are many benefits to installing a passive radon mitigation system in a new construction. There is no reliable way to test the ground for radon before the structure is in place, if you are building a structure in an area known to have high radon, it is a good idea to include a passive radon system during construction. There are many resources available to determine if your area has high radon, such as this EPA Map of Radon Zones. The cost of installing an ASD system during construction is also much less than installing one after the fact. Building a radon system into the home during construction also helps to keep the aesthetics of the home intact, as the builder is much more free to hide and route piping appropriately.
In an occupied home, only the owner or a licensed radon mitigation professional can perform radon work. To ensure radon-resistant construction, while owned by the builders, they are permitted to install an ASD system without the required license. Although it is not required, it is recommended to seek out the assistance of a licensed radon professional to help avoid the complications and potential pitfalls of installing an effective radon mitigation system. Contact the experts at Festa Radon Enterprises today.
There are many codes and standards to keep in mind when building RRNC. Here are some resources to help you follow the protocols.
EPA Building Codes for Radon-Resistant New Construction (RRNC) - Find your states requirements for RRNC at the bottom of this page
AARST Standards Library - Radon Mitigation Standards
KSU National Radon Program Services - collection of RRNC Codes, Standards, and Resources
EPA RRNC - Construction basics and techniques for RRNC
Our mission is to build long-lasting relationships with clients and partners, as we work together to save lives through mitigating and maintaining safe levels of radon in homes and businesses.
47A Progress Ave. Cranberry Twp., PA 16066
Email: admin@festaradon.com
Phone: 1-800-806-7866
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